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​Čikā 2022. gadā ir pārvēries par vienotu mājas lapu Čikāgas organizācijām un vēsturei. Mājas lapu turpinās papildināt ar jauniem (lai varbūt arī veciem!) stāstiem par mūsu bagātīgo latviešu vēsturi Čikāgā, jau sākot pirms Otrā pasaules kaŗa. Saits sākumā būs gan latviski, gan angliski – nē vienmēr ar tulkojumiem. Vēl arī gaidam jūsu rakstus!

Welcome to our new site! has been re-created as a unified site for Chicago organizations and Chicago Latvian history. The site will continue to grow with new (and maybe some old) stories about our rich Chicago Latvian history, going back to before the Second World War. We will have articles in both languages, translated when possible. We also look forward to reading your stories! 

Dižpersona: Marger Apsit,
"Old School Football"

Written by Andis Robežnieks

Marger “Migs” Apsit was one of the first—if not the first—Latvian American to play in the National Football League. He played in 20 games from 1931 to 1933 and started in half of those, often as quarterback; back then, that was mostly a blocking position, so his stats don’t match the intensity of his play.

Apsit began his NFL career playing five games with the Frankford Yellow Jackets before the team—located in northeast Philadelphia—folded, and he then landed with the Brooklyn Dodgers football team, where he played in one game. He later played two games with the Green Bay Packers in 1932 and 12 with the Boston Redskins in 1933. 

See Marger Apsit scoring a touchdown at 1:35

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